Jadon Kam

About Me

Photo of me

Hello! My name is Jadon Kam and I’m currently a student at Wilfrid Laurier University studying User Experience Design. 

At a young age, I developed an interest in drawing and making crafts at school. As I grew older, I became interested in other art activities such as painting, going to art museums, digital art, and interior design. Problem solving activities (such as reading and solving mysteries in detective novels as well as logic games and puzzles) were another way I loved to spend my free time starting at a young age.

As a result of my love for design and my interest in solving problems, I decided to study and become a UX designer. I love designing and creating user-friendly and memorable experiences and could not think of another job I would enjoy more than working in UX. I look forward to working with others on projects where I can learn what users desire in a product and design a better experience for them. If you are interested in contacting me, please fill out my contact form. Thanks!

Here’s a bit more about me:

What are my skills?

What is my favourite project?

My favourite project I have done is Travel Kitt. I loved solving the problem of making travel information interesting and engaging for children. As someone who has enjoyed working as a children summer camp counsellor in the past, I like thinking of activities that children would be interested in doing and enjoyed creating an app for children and their families through this project. I also loved what my teammate and I were able to create visually, specifically the concept to have a digital book which families can keep to learn about places and remember their happy experiences on vacation. You can view this project by clicking here!

What am I looking forward to learn more about?

I’m looking forward to continue learning about accessible and inclusive design. Whether that’s designing interfaces or creating products, I’m interested and believe it’s my responsibility as a UX designer to make sure users who need accessible features for sight, hearing, movement, etc. are included in my user-centred design process.