Jadon Kam

my program design
Graphic Design: April 2021
Laurier UX
Program Poster
A poster I created to promote Laurier’s User Experience Design program; all art except for the logo in this poster was created by me

The Assignment

For a graphic design project, I was tasked with creating a poster to promote Laurier’s User Experience Design program which I am currently in. The requirements for this poster were that it must include the university and program’s name, Laurier’s logo, Laurier’s colours (purple, gold, and red), a statement about the program, the website, and all images and artwork besides the logo had to be original work created by me.

I started by thinking about what I wanted my statement to be. After coming up with my statement, I created images to tell a story related to my statement and images related to courses that Laurier offered. I wanted to highlight the user-centered approach we use in the UX design program and the different areas of design that we cover in my poster through the text and visuals. Below is my final poster:

My Poster
Laurier UX Design program poster